This data provides layers

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This data provides layers

Post by aburaihan8747 »

It is these kinds of issues that dictate a need for enterprise content management. With the capabilities of ECM, public works, roads and building departments can finally field a great team that combines asset data, GIS and document management.

Using a great asset management software like Azteca Cityworks, data about the asset is tracked and kept. to a GIS map so that the location of the asset can be seen in concert with other Sweden Phone Number features around it and its condition can be verified later (possibly years later!) when the department needs to perform routine maintain or manage a new project.


Add ECM to the mix, and these capabilities are taken to the next level. Here’s a short list of what you’ll be able to do:

– Multiple intake methods for documents – From scanning over the counter when contractors do business in the city or county office, to batch scanning and scanning of large format documents, or intake of electronic documents like CAD drawings.
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