The role of content in product search and selection - research

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The role of content in product search and selection - research

Post by Nasimkhan »

Nearly half of online shoppers (46%) consider reviews to be the most important piece of information when searching for and choosing products. These conclusions were reached by the experts of Ashmanov & Partners after analyzing the paths of buyers in online trading. The study showed that the need for extended information about a product - reviews, reviews, descriptions - is one of the most significant motivations for searching for products on the Internet. Descriptions of products and brands remain the basic type of content, the presence of which should not be neglected. Most of all, online buyers are interested in detailed product reviews, especially in the mass segment. Reviews are less important than reviews, but most buyers consider them important and still prefer text-based video reviews.

Reviews are the most requested type of content for online shoppers 46% of surveyed buyers consider reviews to be the most Singapore Phone Number List significant information when choosing products. The demand for reviews is higher among women under 30 (55%) and low-income shoppers (53%) than among other groups. The second most important type of information for buyers is product and brand description. At the same time, the absence of descriptions of goods and brands on the site, according to the answers of the respondents, is a more repulsive factor from the purchase than the absence of reviews. That is, the presence of descriptions is primary, reviews are secondary. In third place in terms of importance are expert reviews of the product (13%), and the fourth is the opinion of loved ones. The vast majority of buyers (98%) do not consider product mentions on social networks and blogger reviews to be any significant information when choosing a product online.


When choosing goods online, buyers trust each other more than experts The majority of respondents (76%) said they trust product reviews that are written by ordinary customers, with 59% trusting only them. A third of buyers (32%) trust stores specializing in a product and about a quarter (26%) trust independent experts. There is a noticeable correlation between the level of income and the degree of trust in various sources: the higher the income of the buyer, the higher his confidence in specialized stores (27% - high income; 11% - low) and independent experts (15% - high income; 7% - low income) the lower the income, the higher the trust in other buyers (64% - low income; 48 - high income. Over 90% of surveyed online shoppers believe that reviews and reviews are important when searching and choosing products online, while 58% can do without reviews and 45% without reviews. Reviews and testimonials are less important when choosing medicines, dietary supplements and food products online. Reviews are most important in the sports and travel category; reviews - in the categories of clothing and footwear, cosmetics and perfumes.
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Re: The role of content in product search and selection - research

Post by zche401895 »

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