Ads panel and import them

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Ads panel and import them

Post by Rakhiexpatebd »

Will be the finalization of the purchase. In the case of a service company, this may be a phone call or filling out a contact form. What will happen when the user completes the set goal on the page? Then we say that it has CONVERTED . This word is honey to the ears of any SEM or PPC employee. The moment we notice a conversion on the customer panel is like the appearance of a wedding cake. The only difference is that we remember about the appearance of this "cake" also the next day (unlike some guests.

How to get a "piece of the pie", or how to measure Mexico WhatsApp Number List conversion In order for us to enjoy conversions, we must first measure them. You are probably wondering how and where to set it. Well, here we have two options. The first, easier and more popular solution is to import conversions from Google Analytics (you can also import from other sources, e.g. Salesforce). Why simpler? In fact, it is enough to define the goal in Google Analytics. It can be a visit to a selected subpage, an event such as a click on a phone number or a transaction for an e-commerce store. To do this, go to " Administration" in Google Analytics and selecGoals.


After this action, we can start defining the desired actions. In the case of transactions for e-commerce stores, most CMS have built-in integration with Google Analytics. This means that after combining them and launching e-commerce in Google Analytics, we will be able to collect transactions without more complicated configurations. However, we recommend checking whether the data from orders in the CMS coincide with what appears in Google Analytics, because sometimes there are problems with it. Once we have set up goals, all we have to do is go to the Google.
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